


  1. 真诚而热情: 表达邀请时要显得真诚而热情,让对方感受到你的诚意和期待合作的热切。
  2. 了解对方内容: 在邀请中提及对方在TikTok上的出色表现,以及对其内容的了解。这能够表明你不仅仅是因为粉丝数量而邀请合作,而是因为对其内容的认可。
  3. 突出双赢: 强调合作的双赢之处,即对方能够展示个人影响力,同时你的产品或服务也能得到曝光和推广。
  4. 明确合作条款: 在邀请中提及具体的合作条款,包括合作方式、推广内容、报酬结构等,以避免后期产生误会。
  5. 提供样品或福利: 如果可能,提供一些产品样品或额外福利,以激励对方接受合作邀请,并让对方更好地了解你的产品。
  6. 注重个性化: 避免使用模板式的邀请,尽量根据对方的个性和风格来定制邀请内容,使其更贴近对方的兴趣和需求。
  7. 提供联系方式: 确保在邀请中提供清晰的联系方式,以便对方能够方便地回复或进一步了解合作细节。
  8. 尊重对方决定: 了解并尊重对方可能有不同的合作计划或是其他合作伙伴,如果对方拒绝合作,要保持礼貌和理解。
  9. 展示你的品牌价值: 突出你的品牌价值观,让对方了解你的品牌文化,以便更好地决定是否愿意与你合作。
  10. 追踪后续: 在邀请后,保持跟进,尽量及时回应对方的疑问或需求,展示你的专业和责任心。






I hope this message finds you well. I recently came across your incredible content on TikTok within the beauty community. Impressed by your expertise, we would like to extend a warm invitation for you to join forces with our beauty and outdoor products store.

Given your profound experience in the e-commerce field, we believe your collaboration with us could be mutually beneficial. We’d love to send you some free samples from our store for you to feature in a short TikTok video, linking it to the respective product page. In return, you’ll receive commissions based on the generated sales.

We see this as an exciting opportunity for both parties to thrive. Your creativity and influence will shine, and you’ll reap the rewards of successful product promotions.

Should you be interested, please add our WeChat number 【填写+区号手机号】. We’re eager to discuss the finer details of our collaboration.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we’re looking forward to the prospect of working together for shared success.

Warm regards,





I trust this message finds you in good spirits. Your remarkable presence on TikTok, especially in the beauty niche, has caught our attention. In light of your extensive experience in e-commerce, we are thrilled to invite you to become a valued partner in our beauty and outdoor products store.

To kickstart our collaboration, we’d like to send you complimentary samples from our store. Your task would be to create a brief TikTok video featuring these products, linking it to our store’s product page. In return, you’ll receive commissions tied to the sales generated through your efforts.

We are confident that this collaboration is a win-win situation, providing you with a platform to showcase your influence and creativity while reaping the benefits of successful product promotion.

Should you be intrigued by this opportunity, please add our WeChat number 【填写+区号手机号】. We’re available to discuss the specifics of our partnership at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we eagerly anticipate the possibility of achieving collective success through our collaboration.

Best regards,





I trust you are doing well. Your exceptional content in the beauty realm on TikTok has captured our attention. Leveraging your profound experience in e-commerce, we extend a sincere invitation for you to join hands with our beauty and outdoor products store.

To initiate this collaboration, we’d love to send you complimentary samples from our store. Your task would be to create a concise TikTok video featuring these products, with a link to our store’s product page. In return, you’ll earn commissions based on the sales generated through your promotional efforts.

This partnership promises a mutually beneficial opportunity, allowing you to showcase your influence and creativity while reaping the rewards of successful product promotion.

If you find this proposition intriguing, please add our WeChat number 【填写+区号手机号】. We’re ready to delve into the details of our collaboration whenever you’re available.

Thank you for your continued support, and we eagerly anticipate the prospect of achieving shared success together.

Warm regards,





I hope this message finds you well. Your outstanding presence in the beauty sector on TikTok has left a lasting impression on us. Recognizing your expertise in e-commerce, we extend a heartfelt invitation for you to partner with our beauty and outdoor products store.

To kick off our collaboration, we’d like to send you complimentary samples from our store. Your task would be to create a brief TikTok video featuring these products, linking it to our store’s product page. In return, you’ll receive commissions based on the sales generated through your promotional efforts.

This collaboration promises to be a win-win opportunity, allowing you to showcase your influence and creativity while reaping the rewards of successful product promotion.

If you’re interested, please add our WeChat number 【填写+区号手机号】. We’re eager to discuss the finer details of our collaboration whenever it suits you.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we’re excited about the potential for shared success through our partnership.

Warm regards,





I trust this message finds you in good health. Your impressive presence in the beauty community on TikTok has not gone unnoticed. Acknowledging your expertise in e-commerce, we extend a warm invitation for you to collaborate with our beauty and outdoor products store.

To initiate this collaboration, we’d like to send you complimentary samples from our store. Your task would be to create a concise TikTok video featuring these products, linking it to our store’s product page. In return, you’ll earn commissions based on the sales generated through your promotional efforts.

We believe this collaboration is a fantastic opportunity for both parties to thrive, allowing you to showcase your influence and creativity while reaping the benefits of successful product promotion.

If this opportunity piques your interest, please add our WeChat number 【填写+区号手机号】. We’re available to discuss the specifics of our collaboration at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to the possibility of achieving shared success together.

Best regards,




  1. 支持多站点:美国、英国、马来、泰国、菲律宾、越南、新加坡
  2. 店铺不限额:不限制电脑登录,不限制绑定店铺数量,实现多店铺同时管理
  3. 达人多维度筛选:不仅支持达人广场筛选邀约私信,还支持达人排行榜筛选邀约私信
  4. 达人批量邀约:支持多个小店同时批量选择达人并发送邀约信息,提高邀约效率
  5. 达人批量私信:支持多个小店同时批量选择达人并发送私信,提高私信效率
  6. 多样化私信聊天:支持发送文本、图片、商品卡等多种形式的消息,满足您与达人的多样化沟通需求
  7. 跳过已操作达人:支持自动跳过已采集的达人、已邀约的达人、已沟通的达人,避免重复操作,提高工作效率
  8. 多样化邀约私信设置:支持设置邀约/私信间隔时间,最大邀约/私信人数等操作,满足您多样化的邀约需求
  9. 批量定向邀约计划:支持批量创建定向邀约计划,针对不同达人设置不同佣金,实现精准邀约,不限邀约额度
  10. 采集达人信息:可一键采集达人信息,包括带货数据、联系方式(viber/line/facebook/whatsapp/email),建立达人库
  11. 批量导出达人数据:支持批量导出达人信息、带货数据和联系方式等数据,方便进行数据分析和后续沟通
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